that's right folks, a custom made doll in her likeness, and it's a really good one, that also happens to be really really really expensive. it was made by the same guy who did the dolls for her "UR SO GAY" music video.

i would also like to note her love of items in the colors mint and sea foam. gurl's got good taste!

i'd like to point out that in this set of six pictures she is wearing a christmas tree, a working merry go round, a muppet costume, and a playing cards inspired dress with matching head band.... i don't know what kool aid she's sipping from but i need it in my life.

i adore her for her un-abashed love of all things fruity. it's way better then Mariah's love for Hello Kitty, or Angelina's love of children from impoverished countries.
and finally the reason for the season. Ms. Perry's loving Elvis/Adam Lambert tribute. everything about this just works for me. an elvis costume can look so tired, and over done. but this is a fresh approach, and the hair is working for me. she put a very unique Katy Perry spin on it, and it made me very happy. if i could wear hot pants in public i would sooooo be replicating this for halloween.

thanks for filling my life with sparkles Katy your the best!