Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ready to get Carried away?

So Sex and the City is upon us... and i for one am ready. let's just say i am in desperate need of some good old fashioned sex. while several have tried to replace it (Gossip Girl, Cashmere Mafia, Lipstick Jungle) none can really truely compare. Carrie for me has been a fashion icon, as well as an inspiration. Her bold choices always made me smile, and she made me think hey maybe i can pull something outrageous off.... I think everyone has a little Carrie Bradshaw inside them just waiting to burst out, i know i do. In fact my boyfriend teases me and says that i like to imagine i'm Carrie, sipping my martini and writing in my blog... and maybe a part of me does. i know one thing is for sure, i am not gonna wait another minute to see SATC, that is opening night for me, and i will be dressed to impress in my most shocking fantastic fashions. I can feel it in my bones this is gonna be a pretty glamerous event. In all honesty, i am probably gonna buy all new clothes just for the evening, as well as convince all my friends to dress equally glamerously. Because ,lets face it that's how we roll, and i wouldn't want it any other way.

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