Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wolverine is gonna be brilliant

So there is a new Wolverine movie coming in 2009, as some of you may already know. i was reading up and trying to learn some info about it, and first of all not only do we have th yummy, yet rugged Hugh Jackman playing the title charachter, but Ryan Reynolds will also be in the film, and (drum roll please) Gambit is going to be in (omg i am sooooo excited!!!) second of all he is played by uber hottie Taylor Kitsch....

here are some shots of Taylor, feel free to drool all over the place, i know i did :)

p.s. i want his hair cut... someone get it for me stat... and while your at it get me his abs too :P


JERmezz said...

I think the ps is all up to me crazy...

ROCKstarlett said...

i'm pretty sure that isn't how it actually works... someone can buy it for me... this is america you can buy everything