"You will know when Vicky is in the room!" Ashlee Simpson laughs during a Saturday sneak peek of select tracks from her forthcoming, yet-untitled album, due in November (honestly thats like next month pick a name all ready). Ashlee Simpson is bringing us a new sound, a new sound and persona, in the form of Vicky Valentine. Alot of performers use alter egos as a way to break loose, and let out a darker side.

Beyonce says "Sasha" comes out when she gets on stage and lets it rip. Mariah Carey blamed her last album on the fact that she let "Mimi" out to play (honestly as long as i don't have to hear about her hello kitty obsession she can let any one of her multiple personalities out to play!)

Even Britney Spears went by "Mona Lisa" for a while, and listed her name in the producing credits of one of her videos. What i want to know is why can't you do it. Why can't you just be wild, or just let it rip on stage, why does it have to become about somebody else.

But hopefully this new personality will make A-simp a better record. Her new album is said to be something totally different then anything she's done before. "This is really fun for me," Ashlee says. "I've always done guitar-based songs, and seeing what we can do with beats is so amazing." She has said that several of the songs are "Ashlee" songs, while several are "Vicky" songs. Her song "Rulebreaker" is a Vicky song: "I like to break rules, get tattoos, scratch things. ... I'm a black sheep." Ashlee says, "She's tough. You don't want to mess with her."
Apparently, Ashlee feels like she's been messed with enough as it is: "I just have too many voices in my head, everyone having their own opinion. And while I have a sweet side, a soft side, sometimes you just want to kick some ass, too." And so on this next album she's letting Vicky Valentine kick some ass, honestly somebody had to do it, and lord knows it wasn't gonna be A-simp, all she can do is steal your boyfriend, and make you wanna la la... I'm so scared right now... Sorry Ashlee but until you prove it, i'm gonna assume your still a lame pop star, who wishes she wasn't.
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