So by now most of us have seen Disney's newest add campaign, having hollywood stars dressed up as live action versions of some of their most favorite charachters. i think it's a pretty awesome campaign. the first set was Scarlett Johanson as Cinderella, Beyonce as Alice, and David Beckham as Prince Phillip. It was flawless, i loved each one, they were breath taking. Even beyonce as Alice was perfect, if not an odd choice, still beautifully done. The second set had Rachel Weisz as Snow White, and Julie Andrews as the Blue Fairy as well as a photo of King Aurthur (that looked nothing like the disney charachter). This set to me was not completely done right, Rachel Weisz is the only picture to me that was worth doing, but i'm not in charge. The third set just came out, and it includes Jessica Biel as Pochahantes, J-Lo and Marc Anthony as Jasmin and Aladdin, with Whoopie as the Genie, and Tina Fey as Tinker Bell. All i have to say is GOD BLESS TINA FEY! she is priceless.
I have mixed feelings about the add campaign, some of the executions are brilliant, while others are lame and a bit sloppy (much like Tarzan the musical)

What do you guys think, which one is your favorite and why, also feel free to tell me your least favorite, because that is always fun to talk about :)
I don't like how most -if not all- the pictures are focused to the right. And like you said, some of them look really thought out and others look crappy, to say the least. If they are going to promote Disney, they should hold true to as much of the story, the way Disney presented it, as they can. For example, King Arthur: there were no gushing waves over beautiful beaches! It was in a courtyard that kinda resembled a cemetery. And Whoopi's looks completely thrown together. But maybe thats a Whoopi look? BESIDES all the negativity, I really like the classic princesses- even Alice. Pocahontas was always one of my favorites because she was such a strong girl compared to all the other princess ones that had to wait for prince charming.. The campaign gets 3 gold stars from me.
i hate the way Whoopie looks and wanted J-lo in aqua, even purple would have been suitable, but not under any circumstances does gold make her look like jasmin.
i really love snow white and pocahontas! however, Peter and wendy look stupid. how about 2 ppl UNDER 40 for these roles!
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