BRITNEY'S BACK!!!!! that is right haters and nay-sayers Lil Miss Britney Spears is on the come back trail (and this time i actually believe it.) Womanizer has been a massive hit, she isn't flashing her Brit-bits in public anymore, and she lost all the weight and is looking slim and trim. i know it's hard to think we would ever have are pop tart back on the road to pop royalty where she belongs, i mean lets be honest, gimme more was a disaster, and add more jokes to the repatoir then it did actually solve anything. But from what i can tell "Circus" is gonna be huge, and well worth the wait. I've heard small bits and pieces of several of the songs, and i am buying what she's selling. I was afraid when i heard it was being called "Circus" that it was going to be a watered down dance pop version of Christina's Back to Basics (which also had a circus theme) and while it's like comparing apples and oranges, all she needed was to do something that had already been done. But the sound is a new fresh sound, and while the title track compares Brits life to a circus with her as the ever in control ring leader the circus vibe stops there. this is Britney 150% personal I'm glad she isn't trying to reinvent the wheel, just her image. And reinvent her image she did! I've personal never really been a fan of Britney's album art, it always seems the same, after sex hair, high glossed, and a bare midriff. But after seeing some shots from the shoot, I am truly impressed. not a midriff in sight, Britney is dressed in head to toe in what seems to be a cross between circus couture, and a porcelain doll. she is wearing baby doll dresses and an assortment of vintage hats, and costume jewelry. Judge for yourself, but I'd say Britney is back

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