Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A spotted by J & K at crate and barrel, why all alone A xoxo gossip girl

so yesterday while me and jer were out shopping, we go to crate and barrel. and are looking at ornaments, and i'm kinda wandering around, and i walk over to jeremy to see what he is looking at, and i look up and he is standing right next to Anne Hathaway! i try to very discretely inform him that he is next to Anne Hathaway, he finally understands what i am trying to say, as she is walking away. As soon as Anne is out of ear shot i looked at him in total disbelief. i flipped out alitte, i was like YOU WERE STANDING NEXT TO ANNE HATHAWAY!!!!!!! he was like really she bumped into me but because i didn't have my glasses i couldn't even tell who she was... i was sooo completely shocked! Then to make it even worse, like 5 mins later, i was like i still can not believe anne hathaway bumped into you and you didnt even know who she was! Hopeless! and she walked right past me and i didn't see... Anne Hathaway probably thinks we are crazies!

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