Saturday, December 22, 2007

the Worste Pies in London

So me and Jer went to see Sweeney Todd tonight. I must say i thoroughly enjoyed it. While none of the voices are extrodinary (Laura Michelle Kelly is extremely under used, but amazing as the Begger Woman) all the voices are quite good. The cinematography is amazing, and the orchestrations are really quite good, but it is Sondhiem, it be a tragedy if the music wasn't amazing. while the script has been wittled down to the bare neccesities, it is still a great script. i actually enjoyed the cuts quite a bit, because they turn the focus to Sweeney and Lovett. Mr. Depp did a supurb job as always, he really is one of my favorite actors. Helena Bonham Carter, is quite entertaining as Mrs. Lovett. Her singing was actually much better then i expected. The only gripe i had with it at all is the i felt like she wasn't nutters enough, i felt she lacked the craziness that is needed to kill people, and grind them into pies. I also felt that the manipulation between her and Sweeney was not as strong, which then softens the creepiness when He kills her in the end. I wanted Mrs. Lovett to be a bit more diabolical. But over all Sweeney Todd was fantastic, and i will probably see it at least two more times.

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