So i finally finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and i don't know how i feel. The Journey has been amazing, and she definatly brought the story full circle. I can honestly say i am satisfied with the ending. J. K. Rowling did a good job, no i'm pretty sure i can say a great job of giving me the closure i needed. i think what i love the most i how she brought everything down to the smallest detail home. She has always had a knack for referancing things and bringing back the smallest detail that you had barely noticed the first time around, and then it suddenly becomes completely center stage and soooo important. I love that kind of investment. Now for me Hermione has always been my favorite of the three, and that has stayed true throughout all seven of the books. I mean honestly though, who doesn't love an insufferable know it all? I love it that in the seventh bok she is really able to take charge and use her strengths to figure out all the folk-lore, and the clues. if Harry is the backbone, the spine of the story, Hermione is the heart. I also loved the fact that Dumbeldore played as large a part after his death, as he did in life. Which kinda makes sense considering he is one of the most powerful wizards in the world. I love that we finally got his history, we learned about him, and why he had such a strong connection with Harry. It made everything that happens in the previous books become something entirely new, and different, and even more touching and amazing. i am also in love with where she took McGonagaul (who has always been one of my favorite charachters, i can't wait to see Maggie Smith in the seventh movie. she is gonna kick ass!) Over all, the ending sequences of the book were awesome, i think the duel between him and vauldemort were amazing, I loved it that Harry called him Riddle. The way Dumbeldore explain everything to Harry just fit. I'm really glad J.K. rowling didn't kill Harry, because to me, that would mean that it's ok to give up, and one person can't beat an army. For me, that is exactly what Harry Potter was fighting for, one person making a difference.

Over all the end was sad, but I am happy that it's over, it's been a great run Harry. i'm gonna miss you.
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