Lauren Ambrose and Oscar Isaac play the title charachters in what has to be the best production of Shakespear's Romeo + Juliet i have ever seen. As the first show in Centeral Park's annual "Shakespear in the Park" this years centeral theme is Free Love, which is a huge difference from last year's focus on war (which featured Macbeth, and Mother Courage and her Children). the season includes, R+J, Midsummer Nights Dream, and a special limited engagement of the hippie musical Hair. There were two aspects of this production that really stood out for me; the set included a pool of water that was probably about 6 inches deep, and covered the entire stage floor, and they finally found moments of humor in the show. The second aspect is what really kept me going (partially because i hadn't slept at all the night before, due to my 5 am jaunt to Centeral Park to wait in line for tickets for the show.) R+J is so often done as a sad and heartfelt play, about how hatred destroys even the truest of loves, that they miss out on the initial joys of love. Lauren Ambrose was a delightfull Juliet, she was so full of life and spunk, while still being innocent and virtuous. She had such a child like attitude towards her life in the second act, that it made the choices she makes in the second act seem even more heart felt and earnest. for the first time i believed this Juliet was 14, like the script says so many times. Oscar Isaac was truely a romeo i would instantly fall in love with. He was charming and passionate, and seemed to always folow his heart and never his mind. His passion burst out of him with every word. Cameryn Manheim was everything i wanted her to be in the nurse, she was sassy, saucy, and bursting with life. it was truely great to see an actress of her caliber doing material that is perfect for her. She has such a huge presence on stage, i was overwhelmed at times. by the end of the show i had chills running down my spine. To me Romeo + Juliet is such a beautiful show it was nice to see it done justice for once.
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