I just bought the new "Hairspray" movie soundtrack, and I have to say listening to it I really like it! I even like Amanda Bynes. I can't say i like John Travolta though. He just doesn't work for me. I'm hoping that in watching it, it will be better (I don't think it will, but what can you do.). Nikki Blonsky has to be the most adorable girl in the world. She has this great quality to her voice that i just love to listen too, "Good Morning Baltimore" has become one of my favorite tracks. I am so excited that Queen Latifa is like the token movie musical actress, I feel like it needs to be a requierment that she gets a part in every movie musical. I'm sure we can find a way to do it. I'm also so excited to see Michelle Pfieffer in such a fun role, she makes the best bitch ever. I was most surprised by James Marsden's voice. I was not expecting him to sound as good as he did. I know i don't have to talk about Zack, because we all know my feelings on that subject. But honestly, hot damn, that boys got pipes. Can he be in a musical where he's a little more grown up, I vote they do a movie version of Cabaret, and make him a Kit Kat boy... i know i'm sorry that was innapropriate. i'll stop now. but honestly damn. I am really excited for this movie, i hope it doesn't let me down, and that John Travolta doesn't ruin it.

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