This month Christina is featured in the UK edition of In Style, which i just happened to snap up from a news stand today while on my lunch. I love Christina. Her style is so bold and amazing, my favorite thing about her is how unwilling she is about being caught being sloppy. She always has every hair in place, her lips perfectly lined, her outfit carefully chosen. I love that. To me that kind of dedication is amazing. One of the things i look at when choosing my style icons, is are they consistent, and Christina is definatly consistent. She also takes risks, both in her style and in music. I don't know of any other singer out there today that could have made a pop/blues/jazz confection of an album like she did, and pull it off. Style wise she has created a world, created a look. She drips and oozes of Hollywood Glamor every moment of the day. Not since madonna have i seen a star who takes on the look of an album. She truely embraced a vision. I love the photos in this months In Style, everything from the floppy fedora to the roses and feathered boa, everything is so awesome. i like looking at this stuff because it makes me want to dress up and take my picture, it lights a fire inside me and excites me to create something. Way to go Christina, i can't wait to see the look you bring us next.

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