So today was National Underwear Day! now those who know anything about me, know i love underwear.... not in a creepy-stalker-steal-you-underwear kinda way, but in a i-love-knowing-everything-including-my-chonies-looks-good kinda way. So today had Kirk Day written all over it. Not only did i get to wear fancy under-roos, and get free ones (blue bandanna ginch gonch low rise briefs, because i know it was killing you not knowing!) I also got to see two of my favorite guys in the whole world. The Ginch Gonch boys, Ben Bradley and Ethan Reynolds. These guys are probably the two most hardworking guys i know, both have blogs, which are continually letting you know what ridiculous and amazing ventures they are embarking on. My favorite part about all of it though, they are the sweetest most genuine guys in the world. I have been following ethan's blog ( for about two years now, and have talked back and forth with him on myspace every now and then, both took of them took about 20 mins out of there time to talk with me. I hope to someday get to work with them on a grander scale. These boys are gonna be everywhere in a while, there are some people that you see, and you talk to, and you know they are ment for big things, these guys are ment for HUGE things.
All in all, National Underwear Day is my favorite holiday, other then Christmas and St. Pats. If you didn't celebrate this year, find a way and celebrate next year.
It made our day to meet you as well!! We had been hearing that the police were not letting many people through to say hi and were starting to feel bad. We had just told everyone to come down to see us and we find out that we were asking A LOT. So when we saw you I was a little surprised but extremely happy! I hope the hassle was worth it for you!! You made our day!
*Eyes the under-roos for a second...*
They're not the gold lame, but they'll do.
J from B&N (who btw, misses you terribly)
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