Thursday, August 16, 2007

Stand under my umbrella

this video is why i love Mandy Moore. Mandy moore has been saying since 2000 that she apologizes for the utter trash that was her debut album, and will give any fan their money back. Mandy's signature song, no matter how much the young artist protests, will always be the song that made her a hit; Candy. At fifteen Mandy sang that first single, and she's been trying to block it out ever since. She helped to shed her image with some surprising indie film roles, like "Saved", and "A Walk to Remember" (in which she famously had dark hair). In the last year Mandy has tried to get even further from her bubblegum image, starring in adult comedies like Because I said So, Liscense to Wed, and Dedication, as well as releasing her first studio album since 2003. Mandy's new album "Wild Hope" is basically amazing. She has co-written every single folk-esque track on the album, songs like "nothing that you are" and "latest mistake" make me want to mend all broken hearts, and "can't you just adore her" makes me want to call certain individuals and tell them how much i love them. The album is about as different from candy as you could possibly get. But it seems that no matter what She does, poor Mandy can't get away from "Candy". When requested she declines saying she doesn't even know the song anymore. Finally Mandy gave her fans what they wanted, and did a slightly different orchestration of her old hit. Totally stripped of all fluff, she sings "Candy", and does in fact forget the words, but she finishes the song, in her way, and her style. It is actually a descent song. What i love about this is it is another instance of Mandy taking controll of something, instead of it taking controll of her. She now owns that song, instead of the other way around. In another odd turn of events, She has covered her own version of the summer hit "Umbrella". now i personally would never compare Rihanna and Mandy Moore, but for me, both versions are quite enjoyable. Mandy even goes so far as to include Rihanna's video of the hit in her own music video... honestly i see it as being pure genius.

if you haven't heard Wild Hope, go listen to it.

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