So i found out today that my dog died on monday.... My mom left me message an i didn't get it till today, and i talked to her, but she didn't want to tell me, because i was having a good week. he was 15 1/5 (which is alot in dog years) i got him when he was just barely born, he was actually the runt, and they were going to put him to sleep because no one wanted him. i wanted him though, and so me and my mom got him. and we took him home, and i loved him. he was like the best dog ever. he never growled at people, or bit, or did anyhing bad. we used to go for walks, and run around the yard and play. when i was upset, or lonely i used to sit in my back yard, and he would run up to me and jump on me and lick my face. he was the only person i've ever met who was always excited to see me, no matter how awful i looked, or how stupid i had been, he always wagged his tail and was excited to see me. i don't think i'll ever get a dog that was as awesome as mine. here is a list of things about my dog that made me smile.
my dog loved everyone, i used to say the house would get robbed, and he would be asking the burgaler to play fetch.
my dog loved me more then my step dad
my dog always came when i called him, or when i opened a door, which ever happened first
my dog was the skinny one in his littter, two of his siblings lived down the block, and they were fat.
my dog loves steak from the table.
my dog used to always jump on me and lick my eye... it made me laugh
my dog was a good listener, and a good cheerer upper
my dog loved getting his belly scratched
my dog humped boys and girls with reckless abandon
my dog was a natural blonde
my dog never barked at awkward hours
my dog was my best friend, and a puppy till he died.
my dog was big enough that he didn't fit in a bag, but not so big that he tackled people.
my dog always let strangers pet him
Good Bye Timothy. i love you, and you will be missed.
I will never forget the first time I met your dog... He humped my leg. It was the grossest feeling I have ever felt. I'm very sorry to hear about him. I know how much animals can steal your heart away...
Well, I didn't meet him too many times, but he was a very cool pup. I would say the best thing to remember is that he was there for you, just like you were there for him when you adopted him. You not only saved his life, but gave it some meaning as well and made his years happy ones. Wuv you
I am so sorry for your loss.
Timothy sounded like the perfect dog...friendly, loyal, non-agressiv, a lovely personality
and simply delightful.
I know that you are happy to have
just had him for so long. He was
your best friend~ and I hope he
now resides in dog heaven!
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog! :( . Losing a pet is always rough.
Now can we pause for a moment to talk about the scruff on your face? How long ago was that? Is going to happen again?
Finally, I miss talking to you. We need to catch up, asap!
that picture was taken during my last visit to california last december... the scruff does come and go... it depends on how lazy i am... lol
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