So last night i went to see Logan's Show at Lucky Chengs. as always Logan turns it out, and I am most definatly in love with his brand new blue hair. The night was fun, Lo performed Legally Blonde, but was minus Chandi, so i stepped in for impromptu lip-synching to the gayest broadway musical. It was quite fun. These two women were there celebrating a birthday, and they were amazing. they entertained me the entire night, and also kept telling me that i was the most adorable thing in the entire world. One of them exchangeed numbers with me, she was like you can be my new york gay. It turns out they work right by my work so we are gonna get lunch one day. They also bought me several cocktails! which was amazing.... only in new york can you meet strangers, and become besties and share a cocktail in the span of an hour. After Lucky Chengs, it was off to the Heatherette After Party, at Lotus. I met up with Jamesson (who is in NY being fabulous for fashion week)
i love that boy sooo much, I wish we spent more time together but sadly he is in Orlando, and i am in New York. Jenna Jameson looked adorable on stage, i wish i could have seen her on the runway. Lance Bass was there, and i was still sober enough to avoid him so as not to say something stupid, and get myself thrown out. I talked to Ben Andrews for a hot minute, i miss that boy, i haven't seen him in like a month.
I talked to Lusty J for a bit. I honestly felt like i spent 10 minutes with everyone, which sucks, I miss going out all the time, I'm gonna start making time for a nightlife. I spent most of the night with Paul (so much fun) an Phoenix (he is my boy)
Me and Paul spent the entire night drinking (for free, which is the only way to do it) and we chatted it up with Amanda Lepore (who is soo sweet) I definaly had too much to drink (4 is my limit, but i totally had like 8 over the course of the evening) but it was free, and sometimes that's how you roll
I left when Lotus closed, i was there till like 4 am, i got home at like 5 am, and had to deal with sooo much shit with Pauls cab, but whatever. I finally got to sleep by like 5:30... and I still woke up at 9:50 on the dot.... my internal clock is disgusting some times.
Holla Back to a kick ass night in the city.
Kirk...I seriously want you to have my baby. I love you!!!
Okay one suggestion/request: Caption your pics if possible so we know who is them based on who you are talking about. A name with a face is priceless!
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