So sometimes i wonder what people are thinking when they decide to do a photo spread. Like Mary Kate Olsen in this monthes Bazaar. The six page spread of good ole' Mk was supposed to pay homage to the Edie Beale, and her daughter "lil" Edie, of Grey Gardens. Now the Beales were nutters, can anyone else see the downward spiral this photo spread is headed.

Now i have to start off by saying that MK was my favorite Olsen, granted her bag lady chic style was a little to much for me, but god bless her for trying. She was so fashion forward and dared to be different. And she had finally started to grow out of it. She was wearing all these classy vintage pieces that seemed to be straight out of the 40's glamour i adore. She dyed her hair platinum and was rocking it (if you asked me). She even looked like she had put on a few pounds, i was thrilled. But lately she's been letting me down. She went a little goth, and went back to wearing all those crazy hippy grandma layers. What the heck MK, you don't have to do that, we know the differences between you and Ash. I was so excited when i heard you were going to be on the cover of Bazaar, I almost immediatly snatched it up, waiting to read an intense and amazing interview where you reveal that you are just like everyone else, and you divuldge some of your style secrets. Instead, i got a rather awkward article where i learned that your a little crazy, and love to walk around the house naked with jewelrey on. Swing and a miss Mk. Now even though i'm sure the idea of paying tribute to Grey Gardens on paper might have possibly sounded good, was there anyone around the water cooler who maybe saw a few of the gigantic red flags...

even after the shoot happened did no one see how crazy she looked.... i mean honestly, and i fully feel that MK is healthy and everyone needs to back off, and let the girl live... but god damn, her face looked thin (especially with the disgusting red wig they put her in) MK what happened to being in control of how people see you.. for shame...
all though i must admit she wears the most beautifull crown in one of the shots, that almost made that photo spread worth it
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