so everynight i go to say my prayers, and i wish for the simple things health, happiness, watch over my mom and dad, Zac Efron, and for them to re-make Supergirl the movie. Ok so i am exagerating a little ( i don't pray for happiness) but seriously, the first Supergirl movie was off the hook. The special effects were totally ahead of their time, i'm mean did you see the way they edited those quick changes, and the battle at the end. brilliance personafied. And with Supergirls amazing re-invention as a fiesty animated teen on the wb, followed by her re-introduction into the comic book universe being drawn by genius michael turner (if you don't know his work google that shit, he is fierce!) She is sooo prime for a big budget silver screen film helmed by some awesome director, starring a saucy unknow (or Lindsay Lohan, i mean she needs a good block buster... and i support anything Lindsay is in) Today i found out i'm sorta getting my wish, on Sept 27th the seventh season of Smallville is going to be introducing Clark Kent's (played by the most gorgeous Tom Welling) cousin from Krypton Kara (aka furture Supergirl). she will be played by new comer Laura Vandervoort. I am soooo excited. Tom Welling and Supergirl, it's almost too much for me to handle. The CW has said that Kara will have all the same powers as Clark (plus the ability to fly, which Clark has not yet fully developed) but Kara doesn't feel the need to hide herself, or her powers. THAT IS SO HOT!!! A sexy sassy Kara flying around kansas causing trouble for Clark, and Lex. What more could i ask for. Thank you smallville for answering all my prayers (please tell Zac i am expecting him, and the door is unlocked :P )
Once again I have to agree with you on this topic. In this time of comic book revamps and movies, Supergirl could have been wonderful (at least hoping it was done well).
I actually have never seen a single episode of Smallville but did catch a commercial for the new season and was really excited to see a supergirl-esque character. (While obviously being out of the loop about who it could be.)
There really is only one thing that I can't agree with in this post and that is that you think Zac will be leaving my place any time soon :x
i'm sorry but in the fantasy celebrity hook up of my dreams, i'm jennifer aniston to your angelina... so back off my man candy it's all i've got since they cancled my show
looks like i'd better fix the lock on your door :p
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