Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I do love a good tease

so some of ya'all don't know me like this, but, I am the hugest Batman fan ever. fastest way to my heart is some batman memorabilia (being cute also helps, but batman gets you there faster!). I have been waiting for images from the new batman film, like some people waited for Harry Potter. This movie is gonna be off the hook, not dissapointing ( Spiderman, X-men the last stand, it tried but not even half naked Hugh jackman saved it...) or flat out retarded (Catwoman, The Hulk, Ghost-Rider ) this comic book movie is going to be worth it. the best thing so far, is Katie Holmes won't be in this film, She has been replaced by Maggie Gyllenhaal, a real actress who has been queen of the indie screen. Heath Ledger has been cast as Batman's arch-nemisis the Joker. i'm still holding my breath that they will be throwing in gal pal side-kick Harley Quinn ( and that she be played by Brittany Murphy, because no one does crazed like my home gurl!). From the look of the trailer there might also be a Two-Face appearance, all though nothing has been announced. The rest of the cast from the first film, being headed by Christian Bale, is returning.

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