Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sell that Cotton

for those that know me, you know how much i love fashion. Not clothes, but fashion. I love finding the perfect pieces, and putting things together in a way that people hadn't thought of before. I don't get a thrill from finding one article of clothing, but finding the one perfect garmet that completes an outfit. i calculate everything i wear, and i am always looking for my next great find, my next great look. Well i just found out yesterday that i am going to be doing merchandising for American Apparel. I am so excited. I will be dressing the window displays, and mannaquins in the store. I will also be in charge of product placement inside the store. I am so excited about this oppurtunity. I love American Apparel, and wear there clothes like it's my job, so to be able to do this for work is going to be such a blast, i already feel like i am going to be learning so much. i will be going through training the next couple weeks, and after october 11th I will be flying solo. Hopefully this will be an exciting developement that will grow into something else.


rkovo said...

OMG you fashionista! lol. Way to go! First costuming a show, now this. What could be next for you? You better take photos of the store front.

ROCKstarlett said...

i took photo's of everything... next time we chat i will show you all of it :)

Dustin said...

Wow congrats! I know we were talking about how something like this might have been happening and I am glad it did!