Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Betcha Bottom Dollar

so monday night rolls around, and i find myself in the same place that i go every monday. The Splash Bar for Musical Mondays, followed by Curtain Call, with my amazing boyfriend, and his friends. It really has become a kind of habit, and i don't mind. I actually love it. Jeremy's friends are amazing. they truely are a wonderful bunch. Musical Mondays is possibly the gayest night of the week at Splash, but i really enjoy it. They play musical clips from movies, concerts, and tony award performances. It's really quite amazing. This monday was especially fun... i don't actually know what made it extra special, but it felt like it was. Jeremy straightened his hair this week and it was especialy cute. i could not keep my hands off of him. While we we're watching, i saw this guy, and i was like "that looks just like my friend Kevin" and then i realized it WAS my friend Kevin, who i hadn't seen in like 12 years. It was crazy, He was like "what are you doing here?" and i was like "i've been in New York for like two years." We caught up for a bit, and i introduced him to Jeremy, and he introduced me to several of his friends. It was very cool. The performer was Natalie Joy Johnson, of Legally Blonde fame, who was amazing. Her theme for the night was parts she'll be cast as in thirty years. She was truely awesome. Scott Nevins hosts, and he was hysterical, as usual. This week they gave away tickets to the Pupini Sisters, as well as their Cd (Betcha Bottom Dollar). I got one of the cds, they are freakin sweet. They are a girl group that sing big band style harmonies. Please go out and get their cd, support talented performers. All and all it was an amazing night.

1 comment:

JERmezz said...

remind me to listen to that CD!