Thursday, August 9, 2007

Purple Haze

so i am very much invested in the idea of a signature color, and look. i think it's important. You can always stray from it, and should, but it's nice to have in the back of your mind. I have had a signature color since i was 15. it has always been Tiffany's Blue. It flatters me more then any color i've ever worn. i even painted my living room that color. But as of late i have been going through this weird purple phase. I wear purple at least three times a week. i bought two purple t-shirts, a purple tank, a purple and black cardigan, and purple bomber jacket. That is a lot of purple. It's weird because i've never liked purple, i've always considered it a girls color. Which is also weird, and a little sad. I never thought i would be one of those stereo types, who feels there are "boys" colors and "girls" colors... but i seriously have that concept embedded in me. I hate pink, i hate the way it looks on me, and i think that's sad, it's a color, which i'm actually told i look great in (probably my Ken doll esque features) but i hate it. I didn't realize it till i was shopping, and i saw a purple shirt, and i was like "that's a nice color, but i could never wear it". That's when it dawned on me, why couldn't i wear it. what is stopping me from buying a purple shirt. I realized it was society, and so with that realization, i bought that purple shirt, and i wore it, and i looked great. I have never gotten so many compliments. So i bought more purple, and now i am addicted. It's like a whole new world has opened itself up to me. I now find myself surrounded by purple. I like it. I don't think i will ever really be able to stray from my signiture Tiffany's blue, but i now have the confidence to wear something else, i now feel like i can wear something i was scared of, and look great.

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