Sunday, July 29, 2007

Good Morning Baltimore!

So i didn't need anymore reasons to love Zac Efron. I mean honestly he sings, he dances, and he's gorgeous to boot. But that little wink he does throught "Hairspray" sends my heart a flutter. Hairspray was a truely delightfull film, from the first few notes from the opening song, till the end of the credits, i had a huge grin on my face as i tapped along in my chair. So many of the perfromances were notably good. For starters I would like to thank Amanda Bynes for not ruining my favorite charachter. She was absoloutly shockingly cute, I didn't want to punch her in the face once. I would also like to thank Allison Janney for delivering many of my favorite lines most notably "you'll live on salteens and tang... Devil Child! Devil Child!" thank you for being so fantastic. I have decided that it needs to be a law and Queen Latifah needs to have a part in every musical, She thrilled us in Chicago, and she is feirce in this. If only phantom of the opera had had her, maybe it wouldn't have sucked so much (i'm pretty sure it would have, but the Queen Latifah parts would be amazing!). She brings so much sass to the film, i just love her. Nicky Blonsky was adorable, and the fact that they found her in a coldstone's just makes her even more appealing. I will admit that while i was scared for John Travolta's much publicized turn as Edna Turnblad, he wasn't completely unwatchable (i have, for the moment, taken the hit off him). Allthough i did miss Mamma I'm a Big Girl Now, i thought the score was awesome, and the added songs (New Girl in Town, Ladies Choice, and Come So Far[got s far to go]) were great. I seriously was dancing in my chair. My favorite number was definatly "I can Hear the Bells" which is conviniently also my favorite in the show. The sequences they chose were great, because they were things you couldn't do on stage, which i loved! I loved the fact that they chose to stage things and set things much differently then in the stage production, because they didn't have the same constraints as you do on stage. They took full advantage of that. I grew up with the original film watching it religiously on the UPN movie of the weekend, and the musical was a huge part of my high school world, and this new movie is a fantastic addition. It is one more way i can enjoy the story of Tracy Turnblad. I urge you to see it in theatres, please support movie musicals being made

Sweeney is coming... Are you ready?

December 21 can not come any sooner... Sweeney Todd is quiet possibly my favorite musical, and Tim Burton is my favorite director. Johnny Depp is mearly the icying on an allready fantastic triple chocolate cake!

The Deathly Hollows

So i finally finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and i don't know how i feel. The Journey has been amazing, and she definatly brought the story full circle. I can honestly say i am satisfied with the ending. J. K. Rowling did a good job, no i'm pretty sure i can say a great job of giving me the closure i needed. i think what i love the most i how she brought everything down to the smallest detail home. She has always had a knack for referancing things and bringing back the smallest detail that you had barely noticed the first time around, and then it suddenly becomes completely center stage and soooo important. I love that kind of investment. Now for me Hermione has always been my favorite of the three, and that has stayed true throughout all seven of the books. I mean honestly though, who doesn't love an insufferable know it all? I love it that in the seventh bok she is really able to take charge and use her strengths to figure out all the folk-lore, and the clues. if Harry is the backbone, the spine of the story, Hermione is the heart. I also loved the fact that Dumbeldore played as large a part after his death, as he did in life. Which kinda makes sense considering he is one of the most powerful wizards in the world. I love that we finally got his history, we learned about him, and why he had such a strong connection with Harry. It made everything that happens in the previous books become something entirely new, and different, and even more touching and amazing. i am also in love with where she took McGonagaul (who has always been one of my favorite charachters, i can't wait to see Maggie Smith in the seventh movie. she is gonna kick ass!) Over all, the ending sequences of the book were awesome, i think the duel between him and vauldemort were amazing, I loved it that Harry called him Riddle. The way Dumbeldore explain everything to Harry just fit. I'm really glad J.K. rowling didn't kill Harry, because to me, that would mean that it's ok to give up, and one person can't beat an army. For me, that is exactly what Harry Potter was fighting for, one person making a difference.

Over all the end was sad, but I am happy that it's over, it's been a great run Harry. i'm gonna miss you.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Letter to Lindsay

Dear Lindsay,

hey sweetie, how ya doing? it seems things haven't been going well for you lately. Two DUIs in one month, with rehab in the middle, not a good summer. Why don't you sit down and get some friendly advice. Do you want a red bull? I just want to start this letter off by saying how much i love and adore you, You truely were a beacon of hope in a world filled with Hillary Duffs, and Amanda Bynes. But lately you're letting us down, and the gays need you, we've already lost Britney. You got a work on kickin' that nasty coke habit, and start making the films we've grown to love you for. We get it, you're no longer the sassy be-freckled red head of the Parent Trap, or the Teen Queen we've grown to love and root for in movies like Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Mean Girls, and Herbie Fully Loaded (ok maybe not so much the last one, allthough i rooted for you in Herbie too!). The point is you're now grown up, and ready to be a big girl. But that means making risque movies, and donating your time and money to chariety, not boozing it up, and getting caught with coke in your pocket. I know you can turn it around though, and going back to the sassy trend setting fashionista i dream to be besties with one day, and i mean honestly who could ever really take your place in my heart. Don't fret though, not everything in the month of july has been a bust "I Know Who Killed Me" comes out tomorrow, and it's supposed to be really good. You're finally getting the chance to show off your acting chops, which you showed us in indie films like "Prairie Home Companion" and "Georgia Rule". Here are a couple things to think about and remember on your way back to becoming America's favorite little red head.

1. The title of rebel with out a cause has already been taken, and lets face it jimmy Dean perfected it, don't re-invent the wheel. Try creating a new label for the tabloids to call you, that doesn't have the words Drugs, Rehab, Party, or Pantiless in it.

2. find a normal bed time, i understand sunrise is beautifull, but unless you're seeing it from a hotel balony while wrapped up in sheets of egyptian cotton and a loved one, it's just not worth it. I know clubs are alluring and you love to go out and dance and have a good time just like every other young kid, but i'm plenty young and i love the dance floor as much as everyone else, and i still find time to hit the old sheets and wake up before two.

3. Your an actress, and you want to be taken seriously, so your taking alot of edgier roles. We get it. But seriously your not gonna get an Oscar doing "Just My Luck". I think it's great that you've gotten this far with out taking a lesson, and by trusting your instincts. But maybe it's time to get a private coach and do Broadway play, or go study theatre in London, I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you don't do any Neil Simon, or any other young star theatre cliches. Please what ever you do, don't be in "Chicago".

4. i know your mom is your best friend and all, and i'm sure she's a great manager. But i think it's time for someone else. Please stop letting Mama Rose talk about you in public, she's got the thickest rose tinted glasses i've ever seen. I'm sure your mom was a very sweet girl, but it's not helping your case when she says your acting just like she did as a teen.

5. Get your love life in check. I love the fact that you are a sexual person, but come on. Go find yourself a nice quiet boy who's out of the spotlight. Some one who has no problem telling you what to do, and keeping you in check.

No one wants to see you go. Look at Drew Barrymore, she turned it around. Honestly we love you Linds, so drop the coke and get it together, before Hillary Duff brings us another award winning film like"Raise Your Voice".


a Musical of Love

so as of late, my Color Purple soundtrack has been in a heavy rotation on my i-tunes. i have bought the book, and as soon as i finish Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, i am going to be all over it. I am trying to find time to see the show (currently starring Fantasia of American Idol fame, in what is supposed to be an amazing performance.) I have always liked the show, and thought it was great, truely a show that broadway needed, but my intrested has been re-instated because of fantasia's performance of "i'm Here" at the Tonys this year. There she was in her Gucci dress (and braces) belting out one of the most beautifull songs i've ever heard. the odd thing is i had heard the song before, but it reminded me of my love. i instantly went and Googled the lyrics, and read them a billion times. I went to work and skimmed through the hard cover souvenier book for the show, and was overwehlmed by all the amazing things the Lyricists had to say about the writing process, it made me re-listnen to the show, and gave me a totally different perspective on the music. If you haven't heard it yet, please listen to it, see it, read the book, or watch the movie. it is a truely compelling story.

here are the lyrics to "I'm Here" go out and listen to it, buy it on i-tunes, it's only a dollar

I GOT . . .
I GOT . . .

New York after hours

So last tuesday i went to Lucky Cheng's and played a round of bingo with my friends Lusty J, and Tommy, we also watched my good friends Logan and Chandelier do an ode to Legally Blonde. Logan always blows my mind a little bit. I never know what is going to happen when Logan is involved. He is truely an amazing individual. After Lucky Cheng's, me and Lusty hopped in a cab and met up with a bunch of people at Lotus, where my friend Acid Betty was hosting. I've never been to Lotus, but i think i am definatly going to start going, i got to catch two of the performances that night, one was a burlesque dancer who did a performance that paid hommage to Pee Wee Herman ( i know that sounds weird, but trust me it was amazing) I died a little when she pulled a little rubber chicken out of her briefs, and proceeded to choke it. When she took of her bra to reveal slinky eye balls being used as nipple covers i knew i was witnessing pure genius. the second performer was an amazing male dancer who strutted his stuff to "Candy Man". Both performances were astounding. Clubs like Lotus, make me remember why i want to be an artist, and not a celebrity, fame seems really exciting when you have no money, but i don't think i could ever give up being able to create performances like the ones i've been seeing lately. The performance value is so amazing, each performer is truely an artist. For me that is the real difference in clubs in New York, and clubs in LA. The performances in NY blow LA out of the water.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

An ode to Matty

i just have to say god bless Matthew McConaughey, and the sun and amazing weather that follows him everywhere. He needs to be the new spokes model for the beach, the summer tan, and men doing yoga... because he seriously makes me want all three. I buy my tabloids every week just looking for the latest evidence of Matty's beach escapades... i must admit i am happy the cave man beard is gone.

Thanks for being gorgeous Matty :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Omigod Omigod you guys! it's a hit, and a big surprise!

Elle Woods and the cast of Legally Blonde performing "What you Want"

I am addicted to the new Legally Blonde soundtrack. Seriously, i don't care what people say i think the movie musical is pretty awesome when done right, and Legally Blonde is done right. With a score filled with amazing lyrics, and catchy melodies, as well as charachters you root for, Legally Blonde is perfect. Laura Bell Bundy truely shines as Elle, i've always been a fan of hers ever since "Hairspray". She has a powerhouse voice, and a smile and sense of fun that she brings to her music. Now i am a huge fan of the movie. I watch it every valentines day, because Warner is the BIGGEST douche, and Elle and Emmett are the cutest movie couple in the world. My love for the movie carries over to the musical. it's like they new i had all this love that would just spill over into something else. I think what i liked about it the most, is it's differences from the film, and the book. They took a charachter, and a story and a message, and they found their own way to tell it, which is important. I think if it would have been the movie on stage, i would have been bored and dissapointed, because no one is Reese Witherspoon. But they were smart enough to know that, and create something new and different for us to enjoy. All of the songs are amazing, and fun to listen to but I enjoy "Omigod you Guys!" "Serious" "What you want" "Chip on my Shoulder" and "Legally Blonde". The whole soundtrack is worth listening to over and over, but for me those ones just make me laugh, and sing a long.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hot pants and Heels. work it out.

Now i want you to close your eyes, and picture me. Tall, blonde, and thin, blue eyes and a big smile. Now take off what ever you pictured me wearing, and put me in a pair of gold hot shorts, and cream heels (with a wicked pointed toe by the way.) picture my face covered in purple and gold streaks of make up, like gay war paint if you will. this was my outfit for the opening of CLUB ACID DISKO. now i love attention and try to wear outfits that make me stick out, but even this is a little more than i normaly do. but this is a special occasion, it's not everyday a good friend has the opening of a club that they have been working on for awhile. For times like that i try and turn it out. So there i ws at Acid Disko, in my hot pants, and heels. I had alot of fun. I definatly got alot of attention, i don't think i'll ever choose anything quite as extreme, but i had fun. Because it's me, i can't pull anything off with complete grace, it's what i get for being a beautifull disaster. When i get to Lucky Chengs, i look at the floor, and it's like cobble stone (how fair is that!) and i'm in the club for maybe ten minutes, and i see Jay Brannan (of ShortBus fame) who i completely admire, and i totally am a nerd for his music. But we did talk, and he was a total dear. I kept forgetting that i was basically walking around naked, and then i would look down and be like oh yeah, naked, it was pretty funny. I also met Ben Andrews (from Michael Lucas Entertainment) By the end the fact that i was basically in a pair of gold hot shorts that barely covered my ass didn't even phase me. The heels on the other hand will never happen ever again, i wanted to cut my feet off. But everyone commented on how awesome they were, and how great i looked. So i guess it was worth it. Beauty knows no Pain. In the end i danced, talked and drank till 4 am, all and all it was an awesome time. Acid Disko is every friday at Lucky Chengs. If you're looking to have a blast that is the place to be.

Friday, July 13, 2007


today i went to ikea for the first time in like 2 years. I hadn't even realized what i had been missing. i am a big whore for house wares. I love them. Ikea has some of the best stuff. and it's all so cheap, thats my favorite part. i'd be nervous about some of the furniture, but it all just looks so cool. Every time i go in there i want to spend like billion dollars, and by everything i see. This time I had a mission; I needed a new bed. So I hopped on the LIR, and met my friend Andrew at the station, he and i went to Ikea. When we got there I was instantly distracted; Chairs, Couches, Tables, Vases, Pictures, Bedding, Office things. I love the swedes. I found my bed, only 70 dollars for the perfect little bed. I also saw this awesome bedding, and the coolest curtains. But the thing i saw that made my whole body tingle, the thing i know i have to have, is a square portrait of Audrey Hepburn. Her image stamped onto a shiny grey backround. there is something about a cigarette, when placed in her beautifull pout, that makes me want to smoke. Right now i don't have the money, but one day very soon, that picture will be mine.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Kerry Butler, Curtis Holbrook, Anika Larson, Mary Testa, Jackie Hoffman, Kenita Miller, Andre Ward

So i have now seen Xanadu the musical three times, and actually seen three different Sonny Malones (due to James Carpenillo breaking his ankle in a rehersal). I liked all three. Each one (James Carpenillo, Curtis Holbrook, and Cheyenne Jackson) brought something totally different to the role. I went with my friend Chris on his last night in the city. At first he was a bit of a doubting thomas, but have no fear, he loved it. It's my third time, and i still laugh as hard as the first time, if not harder at some things. The script is truely fantastic, and i now want to read everything Douglas Carter Beane has wirtten. I had the great joy of seeing Cheyenne play Sonny, He is a truely talented young man. I saw him play Matthew in the Off-Broadway Musical Altar Boyz, and he was awesome in that role too. In the other performances i felt that Kerry Butler (who plays Kira) was defiantly the lead, it's definatly her show. But with Cheyenne, they share it. He matches Kerry, every second, every song. Comedically they are very well matched. It's been a really interesting process watching all the changes that go through a show in previews. little things that definatly enhance the show. Not huge changes, but seeing little bits added among the actors, little props here and there, and how costumes are enhanced just a bit. The show is really in peak condition, if you haven't seen it, please go. If you can catch Cheyenne in the role, do it. After the show was over (and i bought my magnet!) We waited to say hi to Marty (as promised) I think the most surprising thing about saying hi, was he remembered who i was, and that i had said i was coming to the show. It is really important to me that i do what i say and say what i do, so when i said i would say hi, i meant it. Most people don't remember what they tell people, or what they say to people, it was nice to see someone who had no reason to be nice, no reason to remember who i was, but he did. All and all it was a great last night in the city, with a good friend.

Kerry Butler and Cheyenne Jackson in Xanadu


Go see Xanadu, if you don't believe me in it's amazingness, go see it for yourself, you can get onstage seats for 41.00! how could you not go.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Before I start this, I just want to say that i cant stand it when people get upset because certain aspects of book are altered on the very long journey from page to screen (or stage for that matter) it is a very complex process on deciding what stays and what gets left behind when creating a film that is based on a book. Every possible thing is looked at. It is also a huge undertaking to create the look of a film or play from a source that is loved by millions of people. I have the utmost respect for Actors, Directors, and Designers who take on that kind of undertaking. I can't stand it when people look at monthes of work and decided that because certain changes were made for the sake of an entire project that the film was bad, or it was a horrible film/play. As an actor i go out of my way to make a roll my own, thats what makes it special. That's why i was cast, because i had something in me that i could bring to a charachter that no one else could. i'm never going to be able to do it just like another actor. As a designer i go out of my way to make a show look different from the original work, thats why i was hired, to create a new world, a new creation from an original source, i reference the source, as well as many other aspects but first and fore most i create something new. That's our job. With that said, i will now step of my soap box.

an advertisement for the film

Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge

Daniel Radcliff and Evanna Lynch in one of my favorite parts of the film

Helena Bonham Carter kinda rocks my world... i'm not gonna lie

I loved Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I personally feel this is the best film in the series so far ( replacing a mantel that was held by the third film). To me, they blended the right amount of references to the book, continuity of the first four films, and taking it to the next level. It met and exceeded all my expectations. One thing that had worried me was that using so many kids in this film, the acting wouldn't be as strong, but all of the kids were amazing. Daniel Radcliff, was superb in this film. I think being in Equus really helped him to grow as an actor. i also loved newcomer Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) she had the most amazing quality about her, i always watched her when she was on the screen. I also enjoyed Helena Bonham Carter, and am eagerly awaiting to see what she does in the next film. One of the aspects of the film that i loved that i didn't knotice in the book, was how much of a biggot Dolores Umbridge was. Her charachter was truely evil, and hatefull, with out doing anything that was really criminal, she was just cruel. She totally abused her power to shape the world the way she wanted. I could be wronge, and i need to reread the book, but I don't remember that aspect being as strong in the book. Visually, as always, the film was fantastic. The end sequences blew me away (the film is playing in the imax 3D, you know that is the shit. I'm so going to see it in imax too!) Over all i seriously loved this film. the only thing it lacked for me was Maggie Smith, but She will be in the next one, and I know she won't let me down.

Diesel Suspenders = Joy

so i was walking to the subway tonight on my way home, and i walked right by the Diesel store on 14th near union square, and these gorgeous suspenders were calling to me... and by calling to me, i mean they shouted my name and threw things at me from the window. So i went inside just to see how much they cost. AND THEY WERE ON SALE! I know! so then i had to try them on, and i looked soooo cute. So after much debate, and becoming besties with the sales assistant, I bought them. 54.61 was the price of joy this evening.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I just bought the new "Hairspray" movie soundtrack, and I have to say listening to it I really like it! I even like Amanda Bynes. I can't say i like John Travolta though. He just doesn't work for me. I'm hoping that in watching it, it will be better (I don't think it will, but what can you do.). Nikki Blonsky has to be the most adorable girl in the world. She has this great quality to her voice that i just love to listen too, "Good Morning Baltimore" has become one of my favorite tracks. I am so excited that Queen Latifa is like the token movie musical actress, I feel like it needs to be a requierment that she gets a part in every movie musical. I'm sure we can find a way to do it. I'm also so excited to see Michelle Pfieffer in such a fun role, she makes the best bitch ever. I was most surprised by James Marsden's voice. I was not expecting him to sound as good as he did. I know i don't have to talk about Zack, because we all know my feelings on that subject. But honestly, hot damn, that boys got pipes. Can he be in a musical where he's a little more grown up, I vote they do a movie version of Cabaret, and make him a Kit Kat boy... i know i'm sorry that was innapropriate. i'll stop now. but honestly damn. I am really excited for this movie, i hope it doesn't let me down, and that John Travolta doesn't ruin it.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Curtain Call

so my new monday night guilty pleasure is Curtain Call, at the Splash Bar. It's hosted by the incredibly funny and talented Scott Nevins, who brings broadway stars out of the theatre, and into a much more intimate setting. I've been several times, and had the joy of seeing Shayna Steele (Hairspray) Marty Thomas (Secret Garden, Wicked, Xanadu) Deirdra Goodwin (Chicago on stage, and in the film, Chorus Line) as well as the cast of The Altar Boys. This week Kristy Cates, who had a steller turn as Elphie in Wicked came in to perform. Can I tell you, she is amazing. there is nothing that i love more then watching an amazing singer just having fun. Kristy is definatly amazing, and She definatly had a total blast. i think my favorite part of her performance (which was an impressive set of Wicked songs as well as some other classics) was the two duets she performed with Marty Thomas. The two performed amazing renditions of "Suddenly Seymore" and "Defying Gravity". Kristy's voice was fantastic, she truely is a very talented woman. Marty has an amazing talent of truely enjoying himself everytime he performs. I've seen him in Xanadu twice, an both times he has been so much fun. I've also had the joy of seeing him truely in his element on the stage at Curtain Call belting out to his hearts content. He makes every song fun by totally throwinng his own little twist into each song, truely including, and entertaining his audience. I had the joy of saying hello to both performers after the show. Kristy is so genuine and sweet, which makes her talent even more impressive. when i talked to Marty he was a total gem, i told him i'd seen him perform several times before, and that he was truely talented, we both introduced ourself, and i told him i would be seeing Xanadu for the third time on wensday, and he realized where he recognized me from (God bless onstage seating!) we said good bye, and he said next time i'll have to say hello after the show. All in all, i'm excited for next week. P.S. in two weeks the whole cast of Xanadu is performing, i like to think it's in preperation for my birthday.

I heart Zack Efron

yeah Zack Efron makes me a very bad person

not that i sit around my apartment all day and drool while watching high school musical, but i've seen the clips for Hairspray, and he's a cutie patootie delux thats for sure

Literary Gems

Ok so by night I am a club dancing, theatre going, chocolate martini drinking fiend, with a killer wardrobe, and a fantastic wit. By day, I work in a bookstore, glamerous I know. And while every night i pray that my two worlds will collide and I can finally drink a choco-tini at work, alas that ship has not yet sailed. but it's ok, i love my job. I love books, I used to read two or three a day. sadly that number has greatly dwindled, but I still love books. As of late though i have a new book addiction: Bargain Books. Go to your Barnes & Nobles, and check out their bargain section. Now I will admit, while some of them are total crap, the ones that are amazing are totally amazing. Basically book lovers gold. The other exciting part is they are usually Hard cover (another guilty pleasure of mine! i only buy hard cover, unless its totally not available) i have gotten countless great finds, and payed at the most six dollars. How can you not buy them, it's like they are begging you to be literate. just so that i can prove to you how amazing it is, i figured out all the books i've gotten as bargain in the last year, and all of them were hard cover.

Little Children - Tom Peorta
Bridget Jone's Diary - Helen Fielding
What Was She Thinking ; Notes on a Scandal (this book is something fierce!)
Olivia Jules and the Over-active Imagination
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azcaban (3.00!)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (delux edition for 5.00)
Lovely Bones
101 Dalmations (the original novel Disney based the film on, for one dollar!)
Legally Blonde
The Devil Wears Prada (it was 1.50 they practically paid me)
Everyone Worth Knowing
Magical Thinking
Fluke - Christopher Moore (this is one of my favorite books, please go check it out)
Star - Pamela Anderson (an awful book but at 1.50 i had to)
Dress your family in Denim and Corduroy
I'm not Julia Roberts
Lipstick Jungle
That's Right I said it - Wanda Sykes
James Dean: Live Fast, Die Young
With Out You - Anthony Rapp (my hero)
Peter and The Starcatchers
A Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy; the complete volumes (the delux adission for 3.00)

If after reading that list, you haven't started getting ready and getting in your car to go to the B&N, then there is no hope for you. there are so many amazing books out there that i know i'm never gonna get the chance to read, just because i can't afford it, but bargain books have made it so much easier, and i enjoy looking through the stacks of utter crap for a little treasure.

On the streets of New York

so i was walking home from work, and about 3 blocks away from my house this woman stops me.

elderly woman - excuse me who does your hair?

me - what?

elderly woman - who does your hair?

me - oh, i get it done at this place on 5th ave, near 16th street.

elderly woman - 5th ave, oh gracious that must be expensive.

me - it's not too bad.

elderly woman - if i may enquire, how much do you pay.

me - 140.

elderly woman - OH GRACIOUS!

me - it's worth it he does a good job.

elderly woman - he sure does, it looks just fantastic.

me - thank you

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Thank you fashion god, i love you too!

So i love American Apparel, if you haven't yet seen it's wonders, go now. Get in your car drive to the trendiest part of your town, or every corner in New York (which ever happens to be closer) and visit one of their stores. American Apparel is sweat shop free clothing, made out of quality fabric, at a good price. most of their clothing is plain with no real pattern, they have just stared introducing products with stripes in it, and everything is designed with the idea of layering. Recently they have just started making pants. They started with a denim jean, which they call the slim slack. When i first tried them on i melted, they are like no denim i have ever tried. they then introduced it in several colors, including red, royal blue, purple, yellow, and green. they have now introduced the pants in corduroys, which come in grey, navy, and a burgandy. I want the burgandy cords like i want a stable relationship. they also have unisex shorts, and leggings. i love shopping at American Apparel, because everything there goes together, you can make almost any outfit work. i am also a firm believer in having a signature color and style, and they make it so easy to accomplish (my signiture color is Teal, and Mint, i have two so i can layer!). I use American Apparel when i need to have a quick fix for an outfit thats not working, if a jacket seems to dull, i go get a bright colored 50/50 shirt to make it pop. When i feel i look to plain i pop into American Apparel and get a jacket or a fleeced hoodie, my tired jeans and vintage tee suddenly look alot cooler. my latest purchase has been a double sided unisex vest in Black/Grey, Red/Purple, and Cream/Tan. I absolutly adore my vests. So in conclusion please please please check out american apparel if you need some rocking layers, or a quick fashion pick me up.

you can find them online at or check out one of their many locations throughout the us.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Two Star Crossed Lovers

Lauren Ambrose and Oscar Isaac play the title charachters in what has to be the best production of Shakespear's Romeo + Juliet i have ever seen. As the first show in Centeral Park's annual "Shakespear in the Park" this years centeral theme is Free Love, which is a huge difference from last year's focus on war (which featured Macbeth, and Mother Courage and her Children). the season includes, R+J, Midsummer Nights Dream, and a special limited engagement of the hippie musical Hair. There were two aspects of this production that really stood out for me; the set included a pool of water that was probably about 6 inches deep, and covered the entire stage floor, and they finally found moments of humor in the show. The second aspect is what really kept me going (partially because i hadn't slept at all the night before, due to my 5 am jaunt to Centeral Park to wait in line for tickets for the show.) R+J is so often done as a sad and heartfelt play, about how hatred destroys even the truest of loves, that they miss out on the initial joys of love. Lauren Ambrose was a delightfull Juliet, she was so full of life and spunk, while still being innocent and virtuous. She had such a child like attitude towards her life in the second act, that it made the choices she makes in the second act seem even more heart felt and earnest. for the first time i believed this Juliet was 14, like the script says so many times. Oscar Isaac was truely a romeo i would instantly fall in love with. He was charming and passionate, and seemed to always folow his heart and never his mind. His passion burst out of him with every word. Cameryn Manheim was everything i wanted her to be in the nurse, she was sassy, saucy, and bursting with life. it was truely great to see an actress of her caliber doing material that is perfect for her. She has such a huge presence on stage, i was overwhelmed at times. by the end of the show i had chills running down my spine. To me Romeo + Juliet is such a beautiful show it was nice to see it done justice for once.

Free Love

So after what seems like a life time, i am home, relaxing. it's a really good thing i woke up at 11 on friday, because i didn't sleep last night. which doesn't sound that bad, but the reason i didn't sleep was because i was in centeral park waiting for tickets for Romeo + Juliet, which is the first show for Shakespear in the Park, at the Delacorte Theatre in Centeral Park. I am told the show is quite impressive, I really hope it was worth getting to the park at 5am. Romeo + Juliet is one of my favorite plays of good willie shakes, the other being Midsummer Nights Dream (which just so happens to be the second show in the season this year).

I left Mr. Blacks, which i have come to the conclusion that I am not fond of it, around 3:30, with my friends John and David in tow. On the way to Union Square, John was hit by a cabbie, and i basically died alittle. He got up and insisted he was fine but i kid you not, i was terrified... i was like oh damn. I've been in several car accidents, and was hit by a driver two three years ago. that stuff scares me. But he's ok, and we're all just a little shaken, I got home at 4, checked my emails, and then packed up a small bag of magaizines, books, and snacks, and headed to Centeral Park. When i got there, at like 5 am, there was all ready like 60 to 70 people there. i layed out my Blanket and Pillow, and looked at some magazines, and read a couple chapters in my book (Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson, i can't wait to finish it) then i tried to sleep for a bit, to no avail. at 8 am, an employee for the Delacorte came around and explained all the rules about free tickets. at 12 i went and got 2 hot dogs, a coke, and a Good Humor chocolate ice cream bar. at 1 they started handing out the tickets, i got mine at 1:20, and with great joy and relief headed home. My friends plane arrives at 5, and he's coming straight to my place to drop off his things, and we are heading to the theatre. i'm pretty jazzed.

Friday, July 6, 2007

You have to believe we are magic!

So for those of you who grew up in th 80's, you too know of the joys that are Xanadu. Xanadu was a movie musical starring Olivia Newton John. The plot is simple, a greek muse comes out of a wall mural to inspire a young artist in Santa Monica to create a roller disco. now I know, as amazing and inspiring as the plot is, you wonder what went wrong. Needless to say it was a flop. It was also a flop that as a seven year old, I watched so many times I melted the tape and my mom had to pay blockbuster like 10 dollars. What can I say, I love Olivia, and roller skating.

Now Xanadu, the roller skating disco musical of my childhood has been made into a broadway musical. now some of you might doubt it's credibility, but trust me, it is truely amazing. Xanadu the broadway musical boasts an entirely revamped and rewritten script, and includes all the hits we know and love from the film. from the moment the Greek muses rise up from the floor while signing ELO's "I'm Alive" till the fantastical roller blading choreographed orgasm of a finale with the entire cast covered in black gold and silver lame' that is the title number "Xanadu", the show is fantastic. it never takes itself to seriously, it is an entertaining romp that lets us in on all the jokes. the cast is fantastic, and for me the part that makes them really awesome is that they are just having so much fun. The show also boasts a new trend in theatre, which is onstage seating. Now some people are not keen on onstage seating, but I love it. For me it is the only way to go. I have already seen it twice, and both times i sat onstage.I think that onstage seating is completely the way to go for this kind of show. I was so engaged the entire time, I felt like I was on a ride at disneyland, but the musical was better, and there are no scary drops. I loved Xanadu, and plan on making it my summer show. I am going to see it as often as I can, and expose it to as many doubter of it's wonders as I can.

New beginings

i am an actor singer/dancer/designer/writer
i am not a cliche, i am simply a well rounded individual
i live in new york
i love it here.
i belong here
i love the simple things
my favorite color is blue
i spent alot of time trying to be something i wasn't
i won't do that ever again.
i don't have perfect hair
i have no volume controll
i talk to my self
i am thin, its the way god intended it
i bite my nails when im nervous, or all the time which ever happens first
i am a horrible speller
if im passionate about something i shake, i can't help it
i am never gonna be the person who walks in the room, and everyone stares at them
i don't believe in crying
and if you make me cry, i will deny it till the end of time
i miss the days when Brittany was hot, and Christina was the black sheep of pop music
i'm a pretty classy b*tch
i love a big black soulfull diva
i love alot
i never look just right
i will always end up rushing and being late no matter how early i leave my house
i live at Le Larme de Fuchsia
i have a green couch named herculese
i am genuinly friendly
i drink out of red pastic cups
i think lonely is a good color on me
i use internet slang in my every day speech
true story, chow, hot sauce, your mom, and jazz are my favorite things to say
i sometimes use big words incorrectly to confuse people
i will eventually trip and fall if given enough tries
if i wear white, i will spill on it
im not the smart one, or the cool one, but i will never betray you, and i will stand by you.
i am secretly the shyest person you will ever meet

lately i've felt like i have a lot of thoughts i'd like to express, and a i am in the very early stages of my career, so i wanted an outlet that i could share things. i hope who ever comes across this enjoys it, and if you don't feel free to not tell me, because the part of me that does care what other people think is getting beaten up by the larger and stronger parts of me that don't care at all.