Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hot pants and Heels. work it out.

Now i want you to close your eyes, and picture me. Tall, blonde, and thin, blue eyes and a big smile. Now take off what ever you pictured me wearing, and put me in a pair of gold hot shorts, and cream heels (with a wicked pointed toe by the way.) picture my face covered in purple and gold streaks of make up, like gay war paint if you will. this was my outfit for the opening of CLUB ACID DISKO. now i love attention and try to wear outfits that make me stick out, but even this is a little more than i normaly do. but this is a special occasion, it's not everyday a good friend has the opening of a club that they have been working on for awhile. For times like that i try and turn it out. So there i ws at Acid Disko, in my hot pants, and heels. I had alot of fun. I definatly got alot of attention, i don't think i'll ever choose anything quite as extreme, but i had fun. Because it's me, i can't pull anything off with complete grace, it's what i get for being a beautifull disaster. When i get to Lucky Chengs, i look at the floor, and it's like cobble stone (how fair is that!) and i'm in the club for maybe ten minutes, and i see Jay Brannan (of ShortBus fame) who i completely admire, and i totally am a nerd for his music. But we did talk, and he was a total dear. I kept forgetting that i was basically walking around naked, and then i would look down and be like oh yeah, naked, it was pretty funny. I also met Ben Andrews (from Michael Lucas Entertainment) By the end the fact that i was basically in a pair of gold hot shorts that barely covered my ass didn't even phase me. The heels on the other hand will never happen ever again, i wanted to cut my feet off. But everyone commented on how awesome they were, and how great i looked. So i guess it was worth it. Beauty knows no Pain. In the end i danced, talked and drank till 4 am, all and all it was an awesome time. Acid Disko is every friday at Lucky Chengs. If you're looking to have a blast that is the place to be.

1 comment:

John Russell said...

i like how I didn't even get mentioned in this.