Friday, July 13, 2007


today i went to ikea for the first time in like 2 years. I hadn't even realized what i had been missing. i am a big whore for house wares. I love them. Ikea has some of the best stuff. and it's all so cheap, thats my favorite part. i'd be nervous about some of the furniture, but it all just looks so cool. Every time i go in there i want to spend like billion dollars, and by everything i see. This time I had a mission; I needed a new bed. So I hopped on the LIR, and met my friend Andrew at the station, he and i went to Ikea. When we got there I was instantly distracted; Chairs, Couches, Tables, Vases, Pictures, Bedding, Office things. I love the swedes. I found my bed, only 70 dollars for the perfect little bed. I also saw this awesome bedding, and the coolest curtains. But the thing i saw that made my whole body tingle, the thing i know i have to have, is a square portrait of Audrey Hepburn. Her image stamped onto a shiny grey backround. there is something about a cigarette, when placed in her beautifull pout, that makes me want to smoke. Right now i don't have the money, but one day very soon, that picture will be mine.

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