Monday, July 9, 2007

Curtain Call

so my new monday night guilty pleasure is Curtain Call, at the Splash Bar. It's hosted by the incredibly funny and talented Scott Nevins, who brings broadway stars out of the theatre, and into a much more intimate setting. I've been several times, and had the joy of seeing Shayna Steele (Hairspray) Marty Thomas (Secret Garden, Wicked, Xanadu) Deirdra Goodwin (Chicago on stage, and in the film, Chorus Line) as well as the cast of The Altar Boys. This week Kristy Cates, who had a steller turn as Elphie in Wicked came in to perform. Can I tell you, she is amazing. there is nothing that i love more then watching an amazing singer just having fun. Kristy is definatly amazing, and She definatly had a total blast. i think my favorite part of her performance (which was an impressive set of Wicked songs as well as some other classics) was the two duets she performed with Marty Thomas. The two performed amazing renditions of "Suddenly Seymore" and "Defying Gravity". Kristy's voice was fantastic, she truely is a very talented woman. Marty has an amazing talent of truely enjoying himself everytime he performs. I've seen him in Xanadu twice, an both times he has been so much fun. I've also had the joy of seeing him truely in his element on the stage at Curtain Call belting out to his hearts content. He makes every song fun by totally throwinng his own little twist into each song, truely including, and entertaining his audience. I had the joy of saying hello to both performers after the show. Kristy is so genuine and sweet, which makes her talent even more impressive. when i talked to Marty he was a total gem, i told him i'd seen him perform several times before, and that he was truely talented, we both introduced ourself, and i told him i would be seeing Xanadu for the third time on wensday, and he realized where he recognized me from (God bless onstage seating!) we said good bye, and he said next time i'll have to say hello after the show. All in all, i'm excited for next week. P.S. in two weeks the whole cast of Xanadu is performing, i like to think it's in preperation for my birthday.

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